Human Rights For (almost) Everyone!
If you ever hear or read anything about Great Apes, you’ll commonly hear that there are 4 species: Chimpanzees, Gorillas, Bonobos and Orangutans. But that is incorrect! There are 5 species. The one that is often left out is Humans. We’re Great Apes and we should celebrate it!
Actually, if you want to get technical and split chimps and bonobos, there are seven as there are two different species of gorillas and orangutans as well. The eastern and western gorillas (which further separate down into two subspecies each, the eastern lowland gorilla and the cross-river gorilla for eastern gorillas, and the western lowland gorilla and mountain gorilla for western gorillas), and orangutans are separated into bornean orangutans and sumatran orangutans.
All true! Thanks for the comment and thanks for reading!