An Obvious Question!
Having started my third Gorilla in the Midst story line last week, I realized I needed a title. Everything I could think of pretty much gives away how the storyline is going to proceed. As it is right now, in the comics that are currently running there is absolutely no indication as to what’s going to happen next. So for now, at least, this chapter of GITM is cleverly entitled: Chapter 3! I bet ya can’t guess what’s going to happen! Mind you, there’s no little teaser to get you hooked either. So I might have to re-think this idea… 🙂
A wise man keeps his own counsel and is thought to be wise, a fool opens his mouth and removes all doubt. ( or something like that ). This reminds me of a line from the Little Rascals movie.
You’ve summed up Gus’ philosophy!
All that hand movement had everyone distracted.
It’s true! But presumably, Gus had to learn sign language. Seems like a lot of trouble. It’s almost as though he just did it for comedic purposes…
You just gotta ask the right questions
I mean, really, who would think to ask a gorilla if he can talk? Hilda’s an odd bird…
Was I the only one that saw Planet of the Apes? Those gorillas were awesome actors!
It’s true! Dr. Zaius is right up there with Barney Rubble in my list of favourite actors!
Okay, I’ll take a shot at your challenge and predict that this chapter will end just before a shift in the story that will be called CHAPTER FOUR…
Or something of that nature 🙂
Whoa, freaky! I’m thinkin’ you’re some kind of psychic! 🙂