The Bechdel Test Part 6 by csimonite on February 10, 2014 at 12:01 am Posted In: Chapter 8: The Bechdel Test └ Tags: Bechdel Test, evolution, feminism, gorillas, satire, webcomic
Quiet Hilda. Men are speaking. 😉
You tell ‘er, Bill! 🙂
Apology accepted. Now run for it before Hilda can get to you.
I’ve been on the road for days!!
Ms. Bechdel would be proud
I’m sure she would! 🙂
Better get that one straight! 😉
I wonder if anyone can get ANYTHING straight these days in this comic? 🙂
I wonder how it would be if I decided to make all my characters female… I’d have to call it the Simonite Syndrome…
I like it! Maybe that could spread like a meme! 🙂
Don’t cross Hilda Chris or the results could be physically detrimental.
Hi know. I hate it that cartoon women can kick the crap out of me! 😉
Nice save with the last sentence! Men still rule! :OP
Ha ha! I’m gonna let that one go, or else I might get in trouble! 😉