Chuckles Gloats!
So here is a comic that just doesn’t work if you’re from certain parts of the United States, such as Massachusetts where instead of pronouncing Aunt as “ant” they often pronounce it as “awnt”. So anyway, make sure you read it as “ant” and that should do the trick! 🙂
She didn’t stand a Holy Ghost of a chance.
Especially since she’s in league with the devil! Being a Phil Collins fan, I mean…
Mark, the link to your name says: http://http// I tried clicking it and didn’t work.
Somehow I suspect there are more puns in the Book of Gorman that’ll lead to more arrests.
Seems that Gorillas can’t resist a good pun! Or even a bad one! 🙂
Here in Tasmania we pronounce it a ARNTY. But I understood what you meant anyway.
The book of Gorman takes a hard line on non-conformists