Actual Change In Kind!
So, this storyline seems to be taking a slightly different direction than I thought it would. I may need to create a new title for it, or I’ll have to work Olivia back into it… hmmmm… Stay ‘tooned! 🙂
So, this storyline seems to be taking a slightly different direction than I thought it would. I may need to create a new title for it, or I’ll have to work Olivia back into it… hmmmm… Stay ‘tooned! 🙂
Gus did that to Chuckles on porpoise
That’s a hole lotta funny!
Why thank you Mr. Green!
See? I knew you were smarter than a cat! 😀
I’m still not convinced, but thanks! 🙂
Chuckles needs a dermatologist to deal with that massive growth on his shoulders not to mention the black hole on his back.
Massive growth, or sloppy drawing? You be the judge! 😉
Indeed Gus, learn from the master
All hail the great W.E. Coyote! 🙂
Another blowhole in Chuckles is too many! Why, Hilda has to put up with his current count of three blowholes! :OP
It’s tough being a dolphin/human hybrids wife!
I have wanted some of those Acme holes when I was installed cabinets and such. Sometimes tools would get built into the cabinet and needed to be retrieved. Now they have cameras that can poke into the wall and see inside.
They would be very handy indeed!!
Well, I would expect cartoon technology to advance over the years.
True, but some things are staples!!
Who didn’t love that coyote hole. Classic!
I know! I really want that technology!
Everything is classic with Acme.
That’s either a hole or a mighty big pore.
I guess maybe both?