A Triumphant Return!
Hey Primate Posse™! My holidays are almost over :(. But I’ll be back to reading comics and commenting and stuff in the next couple of days. I hope all my ‘tooning pals have had a great few weeks! On another note, this will be the first week since I started GITM that I won’t be posting a new comic. Before I left I set my comics to post automatically on Mondays, or so I thought. I’m not sure how this one appeared last Thursday as it was supposed to appear today! Anyway, at least it’s here! 🙂
The spirits are smiling down on Chuckles.
To the tune of millions and millions!
Wait… What? A Million an episode? I’d better get practicing spewing random gobbledygook.
Me too!
Chuckles is really enjoying his 15 minutes of fame!
He is and somehow I suspect 15 minutes is an accurate time-frame for this!
Is there a class where I can learn how to gobbledygook? 😛
Oh my god, spell check didn’t tell me I misspelled gobbledygook! Now I have to look that word up! :P:P:P
Gobbledygook works for the bureau of meteorology so I guess it can work for Chuckles too. If he gets real good at gobbledygook he could even make it big in polotics
I could zip my lip for that much money!