Are MRAs Stupid? You Decide…
Hi again, Primate Posse™! Many of are already familiar with Stan Dickie, but for those of you new to the site, I’ll give you a little better introduction than you can get from the above comic. Stan has appeared in GITM before in the storyline entitled: The New Neighbor, but he is also an alter ego I created as my MFA thesis project. There’s a website with a whole bunch of original songs and videos featuring Stan ( This is also a project that I’ve continued on and off since I graduated back in 2012. The latest Stan “album” is called Tin Foil Cowboy Hat (which features an oil painted cover by yours truly) and there is one song that you can listen to for free (in fact all the others don’t actually exist). And you guessed it, it claims that “there ain’t no moon in the sky!”. Please have a listen here to the Moon Song, which I (I mean Stan) wrote and recorded earlier this year. Enjoy, and please visit!
See you next week!
The moon is a fabrication made to distract us from the issues that really matter.
Yeah, like the um…sorry just looking at the “moon”… so distracting…
Hey! Welcome back Chris!!!!
Thanks PJ! I’m not sure I’m really “back”. Just realized that I didn’t even tweet this comic out, or promote it on facebook…
Is there such a thing as a Bill of Wrongs?
If there isn’t, these guys’ll be on top of it!
And I always believed that MRA was the Motorcycle Riders Association
Morons Rifle Association? Mutant Roofing Advisory Board? Anybody else got any? 😉
Meerkats Rowing Association