Next week: a new storyline that will seamlessly meld with this one! And by popular demand, more Gus! 🙂 Stan tooned!
Posts Tagged Bechdel Test
So, I did it, I took this storyline to its logical conclusion. All the characters are now women! Stay tooned to see how I get out of this mess! 🙂
How am I gonna write my way out of this mess? I’m just gonna go with it… at least for now! 🙂
Well Primate Posseâ„¢, I was surprised that no one knew which movie I was referring to in last weeks comic post. It was (drum roll…) Stand By Me! My friends and I were always amused by a line from one[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
In this strip I reference another movie. What is it?
Welcome to the first storyline of 2014! This comic contains a nod to a famous movie. I’ll bet a few of you know it just from reading it! Leave a comment if you know it, or even if you don’t[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…